Contacting me
If you would like me to work with your horse’s feet you can contact me by phone or email. I am always very happy to discuss cases if you need to know more before making a decision.
Phone: 07715 502320 (please leave a message if I’m unable to take your call)
Email: [email protected]
Please note: I have for some years been inundated with calls and emails from people wanting advice. I sadly cannot now answer these and continue to provide the level of service that my clients and students deserve and so I have had to take the decision to no longer respond to enquiries from outside my own area. If you are outside North Wales and are looking for advice, the Equine Podiatry Association provides a map that you can use to find your nearest qualified EP.
Links to other useful sites
•The Equine Podiatry Association – the professional body for EPs.
•Equine Podiatry Training Ltd – training the EPs of the future.
•Equine Podiatry Supplies – supplier of products useful for equine podiatry.
•Hart’s Horsemanship – Ben Hart is an exceptional horse trainer.